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 1. Bob Enyart  Waiting for Darwin's Other Shoe  BEL Oct. 2009 
 2. David Craig  Waiting for the Other Shoe to Fall  Strum's Songs 
 3. David Craig  Waiting for the Other Shoe to Fall  Strum's Songs 
 4. Dr. George Johnson, Washington University  Darwin Day: Darwin confronts intelligent design  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 5. Dr. George Johnson, Washington University  Darwin Day: Darwin confronts intelligent design  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 6. Matthew Chapman  Guest: Matthew Chapman, Author, Filmmaker & Darwin's Great-great Grandson & Updates on FFRF's "Praise Darwin" Billboard  Freethought Radio 
 7. The Age Grouper Triathlon and Multisport Podcast  Long-Sleve-Shirt-Sock-Sock-Shoe-Shoe-Galsses-Helmet-Go.mp3  The Age Grouper Triathlon and Multisport Podcast 
 8. Asian Pride  Tie My Shoe    
 9. Static Radio  SBD on your shoe  http://www.staticradio.com/staticradio.xml 
 10. black museum  tan shoe  www.botar.us 
 11. Graham Hancock  SHOE 23  Starkville's House of El Podcast 
 12. Your Ad Here  Shoe Fly  Unrealized Visions 
 13. shine ball  shoe in  title 
 14. EELS  The other Shoe  Blinking Lights and Other Reve   
 15. Echo Voodoo  Shoe Bop   
 16. Elf Power  Hole In My Shoe  8/5/06 - 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 
 17. Blowin' a Fuse  Hole In My Shoe   
 18. David Cory II  A: Hole In My Shoe  Hole In My Shoe 
 19. Billy Burnette  Got A Little Rock In My Shoe  Are You With Me Baby 
 20. Elf Power  Hole In My Shoe  2008-11-05 - Santa Fe Brewing Co, Santa Fe, NM 
 21. Graham Brown  Pebble In My Shoe  Stand Your Ground 
 22. B.B. King  One Shoe Blues  Blue Moo 
 23. Elf Power  Hole In My Shoe  2008-11-19 Hi-Dive, Denver, CO 
 24. One Cool Guy  Double O Shoe  From Downtown 
 25. Elf Power  Hole In My Shoe  2008-11-05 - Santa Fe Brewing Co, Santa Fe, NM 
 26. Elf Power  Hole In My Shoe  2008-11-19 Hi-Dive, Denver, CO 
 27. Audie Darling  Worn Out Shoe  Full of Ghosts  
 28. Freescha  Smurf Shoe  What's Come Inside Of You  
 29. Bob and AJ  Bob and AJ 54: Shoe with no sock  www.bobandaj.info 
 30. Dr. Joseph Michelli  If the Shoe Fits  Lessons For Success 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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